Even Short Walks are Worthwhile

Went out for a short walk a couple of days ago. Was actually my first walk since before Christmas. I decided I was getting a bit lazy. I remembered to take my compact camera with me this time. Actually, I wish I’d taken the DSLR but I wasn’t sure of the conditions and the compact is easier to weatherproof than the more bulky DSLR with its interchangeable lenses…and it’s cheaper to replace if it does get wrecked by rainwater.

The lakes have changed since the summer months; the higher water level results in soggy conditions around the edges. Like Wallace, I wore the wrong trousers and hell ensued when I got covered in mud…the things we do for our cameras.

A brief break in the cloud cover resulted in a bit of blue on the water allowing me to capture a decent shot of the birds sitting on the lake. Lake water without reflected blue sky looks like a mud bath so hanging around when a break looked imminent proved beneficial.

Furzton Lake, Milton Keynes, January 2015

On the way back home I came across an interesting looking hedge. Interesting because of the display of colours it offered during the winter months. Made a nice change from the bland browns and faded hues all over the place. This one actually turned out quite well due, I think, to the effect of the cloud cover on the light. Clouds subdue harsh sunlight and results in more vibrant colours.

Colourful hedge in Furzton, Milton Keynes, January 2015

I spotted this fellow lounging around in the area near the Lake. It completely ignored me even as I got closer to it. This picture was actually taken with my DSLR just before Christmas. Robins have little fear of humans and can quite often be seen in gardens watching people dig. I’ve often had to pause while the birds hop onto the bed to grab an uncovered insect.

Robin, January 2015

Robin, December 2014

Health wise, I felt a lot better when I got home and slept better that night too. So it does work!  Exercise, even just a relatively short walk, is good for you and when it results in a few decent photographs, that’s even better 🙂

Any thoughts to share?